Posted: September 16th, 2017



Project description
Read Case Study Below
Case Study
Jerry McCall is Dr. Williamss office assistant. He has received professional training as both a medical assistant and a LPN. He is handling all the phone calls while the receptionist is at lunch. A patient calls and says he must have a prescription refill for Valium, an antidepressant medication, called in right away to his pharmacy, since he is leaving for the airport in thirty minutes. He says that Dr. Williams is a personal friend and always gives him a small supply of Valium when he has to fly. No one except Jerry is in the office at this time. What should he do?

Prepare at least 750 word paper in which you answer the following questions: (ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED) It should include introduction that provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.Should also include a conclusion that is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.

(Introduction and Conclusion is REQUIRED)

Does Jerrys medical training qualify him to issue this refill order? Why or why not?
Would it make a difference if the medication requested were for control of high blood pressure that the patient critically needs on a daily basis? Why or why not?
If Jerry calls in the refill and the patient has an adverse reaction while flying, is Jerry protected from a lawsuit under the doctrine of respondent superior?
What is your advice to Jerry?
Identify major legal and ethical issues that may affect Jerrys decision.
What problem-solving methods might be helpful to assist in making an ethical decision?
Include at least two sources in your paper. Including
Medical Law and Ethics, Third Edition
Chapter 4: Medical Practice and Allied Health Professionals
ISBN: 9780135129043 Author: Bonnie F. Fremgen Ph.D.
Copyright Pearson Education (2009) (MUST COMPLY)
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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