Posted: September 13th, 2017

EU against microsoft

EU against microsoft

Order Description

In your team’s own words, you will identify and discuss the general geopolitical problem, identify the key players involved in the case, provide sufficient details on the specific context, assess the contending forces faced by the firm, detail the company’s strategy (or strategic options) and assess the choices made (or make a recommendation if possible).
Papers should be written in a clear and concise manner and integrate material from multiple primary and secondary sources including, if at all possible, material in the team’s language (local press accounts, company documents, local analysis, …).
Text should be double-spaced with 1” margins in a 12-point Times New Roman font. References, tables, charts and figures do not count towards the page limit but should be used only when they complement the text.

Eight basic components should be found in the submitted 18 -20 page paper.
Page lengths described for each component are suggestions of a normal distribution across sections only and should not be considered binding if your topic merits relatively more/less details in a given section. However, the complete paper must fall within the page limit and formatting requirements described above.
4. Elaboration of the geopolitical environment/country/region that clearly involves a geopolitical story (Politics, laws, regulations, geography) and the impact of this environment on the company(ies).Explanation of the Geopolitical Influence on the firm strategy. I.e. how do the geopolitical dimensions affect the company’s strategy? You can show facts and figures about the geopolitical dimensions within that specific country/ environment.

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