Posted: September 14th, 2017

European Union

Mark Leonard writes that “As India, Brazil, South Africa, and even China develop economically and express themselves politically, the European model will represent an irresistibly attractive way of enhancing their prosperity whilst protecting their security.” On the other hand, Robert Kagan takes a much more critical view of the European model, depicting it as essentially inappropriate due to its incapacity to meet contemporary global challenges and threats. Which position do you endorse? Why? Respond based on the arguments of Leonard and Kagan, as well as the other class readings and any additional sources you wish to bring into the analysis. Take a clear position, fully explain your logic, and be certain to cite all sources for information, ideas, arguments, or data.
Leonard, M. (2006). Why Europe will run the 21st century. New York: Public Affairs. ISBN 9781586484248
Use following sources: Leonard, M. (2006). Why Europe will run the 21st century. New York: Public Affairs. ISBN 9781586484248
Robert Kagan, “Power and Weakness,” Policy Review, June 2002.

Use any other source for the other 2

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