Posted: September 10th, 2015

Europe's Muslims and the Migrant Crises.

The Migrant crisis in Europe has reached “biblical proportions” according to UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, noting that millions of refugees from Syria and other countries throughout the Middle East and Africa hoping to be relocated to the West are overwhelming the borders and stretching capacities.

“The problem  is  there  have been opened the door to an exodus of biblical proportions meaning millions and millions of refugees.

There is lost sight of what is to be a refugee.

How many millions does Europe want to take?
Write a paper on Europe’s  Muslims and the Migrant Crises.
Analyze how the recent migrant crises is being dealt with by European countries.
Provide an overview of Muslim Communities already living in Europe- How they are treated overall?
In light of the new waves of migrants examine the questions being raised about integration and assimilation of Muslims in Europe by politicians and media pundits.
– Present recommendations for UN EU etc.

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