Posted: February 17th, 2017

Evaluate what you find Cite your sources Integrate information into your research project These steps constitute the research process.

By way of introducing yourself to the class, select an artwork that has meaning for you. Go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art website:”> or to Course Resources and select an artwork that falls between Prehistory (Neolithic/Paleolithic) to the Late Medieval period (no later than 1399). NOTE: Non-western art is not covered in this course. If you are having difficulty selecting an image, go to Course Content, scroll down to Course Resources where you will find appropriate images. 1. Include the image and fully identify the artwork by providing title, artist, date, media, and time period being represented. Include the source citation. 2. In a well constructed paragraph, based upon the FTC pallette info found under Week 1 material, address the form, theme, and context of your selected image. 3. Lastly, explain why you selected this artwork and what it tells us about you. 4. To generate discussion, Include 1 question about the artwork you would like to ask the class. FOR THIS AND ALL TOPIC DISCUSSIONS: YOUR INITIAL RESPONSE SHOULD BE SUBMITTED BY THURSDAY MIDNIGHT AND BE A MINIMUM OF 200 WORDS. YOU ARE TO REPLY TO A MINIMUM OF TWO STUDENTS WITH A 50 WORD MINIMUM. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE FORUM ON AT LEAST TWO DAYS.″>UMUC Discussion Board Info and Grading Rubric week 2 .5em=”” 0px=”” 1em;=”” padding:=”” 0px;=”” border:=”” outline:=”” font-size:=”” 13px;=”” color:=”” rgb(53,=”” 53,=”” 53);=”” font-family:=”” ‘pt=”” sans’,=”” sans-serif;=”” background:=”” rgb(250,=”” 250,=”” 250);”=””>I am sure most of us have heard of Ancient Egyptian culture because it is a fascinating period in human history and the subject for much speculation. Even today, major discoveries are being made by archeologists and historians that provide different perspectives on this rich culture. 1. First, tell us what you know about Egyptian culture before taking this course. 2. After doing the textbook readings and or conducting independent research from the suggested websites, tell us what you learned about the civilization that you did not know. 3. If you were asked to describe the importance of Egyptian culture to a group of young adults, what would you tell them? A total of two artwork examples must be included in your response. FOR THIS AND ALL TOPIC DISCUSSIONS: YOUR INITIAL RESPONSE SHOULD BE SUBMITTED BY THURSDAY MIDNIGHT AND BE A MINIMUM OF 200 WORDS. Y week 3 Hello, ARTH 372 students, and welcome to the UMUC Library conference! My name is Ed O’Donnell and I will be the librarian working with your class from November 2-November 8. I look forward to working with you! The required exercise in this conference gives you an opportunity to acquire practice in using the UMUC Library to conduct research for your literature review. By completing the exercise you will get a head start on your research for this class. I will provide you feedback when you complete the exercise. Click on the links within the exercise to learn how to complete the various steps that make up the research process. The topics included in the exercise are the following: Choosing a Research Topic Using Searching Tips and Techniques Using UMUC Library OneSearch Selecting a Library Research Database Evaluating What You Find Using MLA Citation Format to Cite Your Source Integrating Information into Your Research Project week 4 LASS: USE THIS FORUM TO POST YOUR RESPONSES This required exercise will give you a way to check your present level of skill as a researcher. How well can you do the following? Develop and revise a research topic Identify effective search terms Find sources in library databases Evaluate what you find Cite your sources Integrate information into your research project These steps constitute the research process. You can apply your research skills not only in the classroom but in the workplace and in your personal life, too. Being able to find, evaluate, and use information is a vital aspect of being a lifelong learner. These are the same skills you will use whether you are researching for a class project, buying a car, planning a vacation, or even conducting research for a work-related project. Please answer each of the questions below. For the purpose of this exercise the focus will be on obtaining scholarly articles. Click the links below to review library skills that will help you complete this exercise. Each link provides more information about that particular step in the research process.”>Choosing a Research Topic 1. What is your research question or research topic? Be sure to choose a topic directly related to this class.”>Creating a Database Search 2. What are the main keywords from your research question, as well as any synonyms or related words? Connect these terms with Boolean Operators (”>AND, OR, NOT) to create a”>search statement. What is your search statement?”>Using UMUC Library OneSearch 3. After running your search statement in,uid&profile=eds”>UMUC Library OneSearch how many results did you get?”>Selecting a Library Research Database 4.After running the same search statement in a single database chosen from an appropriate”>research guide how many results did you get? Which subject guide and database did you choose and why? 5. Compare and contrast the results from your searches in #3 and #4.”>Evaluating What You Find 6. Is this a”>scholarly and/or authoritative article? Choose one article from either search and answer the following questions: How can you tell if it is scholarly and/or authoritative? Based on the article’s abstract, is it relevant to your research question/topic focus? Explain. Is this article current enough for your assignment? Explain. Is this article in-depth enough to be useful for your research? Explain. Is this article available in”>full text? Explain. Are there any”>subject terms listed in the article record that you could use to run another round of searches with greater focus on your topic? Show how you would incorporate these terms into your initial search statement:”>Using MLA Citations to Cite Your Sources 7. Provide an MLA Works Cited list citation for the article you chose:”>Integrating Information into Your Research”>t 8. Write two or three sentences describing what you learned from the article and/or how you can use the article in your research project: Evaluating Web Resources Exercise Please read”>Evaluating Web Resources from the UMUC Library Web site. For this exercise answer the following questions using the information from Evaluating Web Resources as a guide: What is the Web Site you chose? Who is the Web Site’s author? Is the Information on the Web Site Accurate? Is the Web Site Well-Maintained and Current? week 5 Based on your understanding of the material on Rome, in what ways do you see the concept of power or propaganda being displayed? Describe a particular artwork, artifact, or architectural structure and the context with which it would have been viewed. What makes the artwork an image of strength? Be specific, and be sure to back up your examples with research. FOR THIS AND ALL TOPIC DISCUSSIONS: YOUR INITIAL RESPONSE SHOULD BE SUBMITTED BY THURSDAY MIDNIGHT AND BE A MINIMUM OF 200 WORDS. YOU ARE TO REPLY TO A MINIMUM OF TWO STUDENTS WITH A 50 WORD MINIMUM. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE FORUM ON AT LEAST TWO DAYS.

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