Posted: September 13th, 2017

Evaluating a Doctoral Study-Establishing Quality

Evaluating a Doctoral Study-Establishing Quality

Order Description

Prepare a 2 page double-spaced paper in APA format. The paper should have “1” margins all around, 12 point font, Times New Roman, pages numbered in upper right corner, running head and proper citations within the body of paper in APA format. The paper should include a cover page and reference page in APA format which is not include in the page count. This is a DBA course in Business Administration course. The title of the course is Qualitative and Case Study Research for Business Analysis. Please write this paper as if it is your own assignment. The paper has to be scholarly written. This assignment will be submitted to turnitin. Please do not use information from another paper. Please use peer-reviewed references no older than 5 years old. Please us at least 2 of the references below. The assignment is due by APRIL 10, 2015 by 6 PM EST. Please do not copy and paste from another paper. Please paraphrase more. I will upload the rubrics and the assignments 2,3, 5 and 6 that were completed that should be collaborated with this assignment. You may have copies of week 6 assignments. Also, assignments that you completed. In addition, my focused is on the Coca-Cola Company and will use the Qualitative Method. Thank you in advance. Week 2,3 and 5 may need to be corrected based on the grade that I received. I will upload assignment 5 once it has been graded.

Course Description

The D.B.A. capstone project requires that students know how to collect, organize, and interpret data. In this course, students broaden their research and general analysis skills as they further explore methodology and project types to incorporate into their doctoral study. Students engage in coursework focusing on qualitative and case study research methods, through which they learn to focus their analysis on efforts to improve the quality of an organization and its performance. Students examine techniques for thinking in an action-oriented manner, as if they were consultants, so that they can apply their own doctoral study in the real world. Finally, students engage in an iterative process of writing a proposal, incorporating feedback from peers and the course instructor. Ultimately, the proposal is offered by students as a document for review for consideration by potential mentors for their doctoral study.

Week 6 Introduction
Evaluating Qualitative Research

The Walden University definition of positive social change is “a deliberate process of creating and applying ideas, strategies, and actions to promote the worth, dignity, and development of individuals, communities, organizations, institutions, cultures, and societies. Positive social change results in the improvement of human and social conditions” ( While your doctoral study might begin with a problem that is of interest to you personally, your research should also result in a solution that enhances the well-being of others or organizations.

This week, you will consider the potential social impacts of gaining more insight into and possible solutions for the problem you have identified. How will your research benefit the field of management and how will it be applied in practice?

In addition to this consideration, you will also evaluate the methods for ensuring quality used in the doctoral study you selected in Week 1. What methods will you use to ensure quality in your own study and how will this benefit other scholars in the field?

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this week, you will be able to:

Articulate the potential impacts for positive social change that might result from your proposed study

Evaluate the quality of a chosen doctoral-level research design

Assess validity-related concerns for qualitative studies related to business research

Create a first draft of an open-code document with theme analysis for peer and faculty feedback

Application 1: Evaluating a Doctoral Study—Establishing Quality

For your selected doctoral study, evaluate the methods used for establishing quality. Incorporate appropriate references to this week’s media resource as well as the course readings about establishing quality. For all the questions below, remember to explain how you came to your conclusions. Support your answers with explanation or evidence drawn from the doctoral study and from course readings.
Were the methods for establishing quality used appropriately for the qualitative tradition or research design (e.g., case study, ethnography, grounded theory, etc.)? Why or why not?
Were all aspects of the methods for establishing quality described or justified sufficiently? If not, what could have the author said and why? If sufficient, explain why you think so.
Do you think the author should have used additional methods to establish quality? If so, what other methods would you recommend and specifically why should they have been used in this particular study? If not, why not? This includes the methods of establishing quality as well as how they were conducted or implemented.
Add any additional comments for evaluation not addressed above.
Combine the revisions for all three components before you submit your 6- to 10-page assignment, based on new findings.

Submit your combined evaluations (from Weeks 2, 3, 5, and 6) by Day 7.


Week 6: Evaluating Qualitative Research

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of the assigned resources for this week. To view this week’s video resources, please use the streaming media player below.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2012). Ensuring quality in qualitative research [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

In this video program, qualitative research expert Laura Knight-Lynn talks about the issue of researcher bias in the interview process.

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