Posted: September 16th, 2017

Evaluating an Economics of Education Approach to Policy

Evaluating an Economics of Education Approach to Policy

Evaluating an Economics of Education Approach to Policy

As you have learned, an economics of education approach uses the scientific method and statistical tools to quantitatively analyze data to inform decisions about education policy. Typically, the approach involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about how a specific education input has affected the quality and/or efficiency of an educational output. Keep in mind that not all education inputs can be analyzed quantitatively.

To prepare for this Discussion, consider what you have learned in this program about scholarly research methodologies (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods). Review the strengths and limitations of each of these methodologies.

Put yourself in the place of an educational leader who has been asked to analyze the effect of a specific policy. For this Discussion, identify a policy you are interested in, making sure you can articulate the input and the desired output. For example, input: class size reduction, output: increased student achievement.

Whether the quantitative methodology (associated with the economics of education approach) would or would not be the best approach to evaluate the effectiveness of this policy

Your rationale, citing specific advantages and/or limitations of using this methodology
Cite scholarly resources to substantiate your position.

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