Posted: September 13th, 2017

Evaluating Existing Health Programs

Evaluating Existing Health Programs

Order Description

Topic: Using SWOT Analysis to Evaluate Public Health Issues

1. Review or read the article “The Difficulties of Conducting Maternal Death Reviews in Malawi” (SEE ATTACHED) or

2. Discuss what you consider to be the most significant strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (refer to Table 1 of the article) – (PAGE 4) in the program that the authors are trying to improve.



Fertman, C. I., & Allensworth, D. D. (Eds.). (2010). Health promotion programs: From theory to practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

World Health Organization. (2001). Evaluation in health promotion: Principles and perspectives. Copenhagen, DNK: WHO Regional Office for Europe.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Community health assessment and group evaluation (CHANGE): Building a foundation of knowledge to prioritize community needs. Retrieved from

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences – National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). Bioethics. Retrieved from

Use the Internet to complete the following:
Read “Performance Monitoring, and Evaluation Tips: Conducting Key Informant Interviews” from USAID Center for Development Information and Evaluation.
Read Kongnyuy and van den Broek’s 2008 article, “The Difficulties of Conducting Maternal Death Reviews in Malawi,” from BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, volume 8, issue 42, pages 1–17.

Initial Writing Guidelines

Your original writing, in response to the question, should be a minimum of 250 words (not including restatement of questions or reference sections) FOR EACH QUESTION.

Be sure to respond to all aspects of the question.

Writing must go beyond summarizing concepts and must utilize critical thinking, advanced application, and synthesis of ideas.

Thus, in addition to any of the assigned readings you MUST utilize at least two additional peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles to inform and substantiate the content of your writing.

Questions must be answered according to question (topics/numbering/bullet points); Questions must be answered separately according to question number and topic.

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