Posted: March 4th, 2015

Event logistics

Event logistics

Order Description

Length: 1800 -2,000 words in report format, written in the third person – individual submitted on Turnitin only. No hard copy required.

Fine Dinning vs Casual service 1. Explain the main differences between the two styles of service 2. List the main types of food service which are used in events 3. Plan a 3 course Casual Dining menu for £30.00- £35.00 4. Plan a 3 course Fine Dining menu £70.00- £75.00 Notes:

In providing this report you must

• Demonstrate your understanding of how the menu experience can be used to enhance the overall event experience and client objectives.
• Provide an overview of event service styles used in the industry and their impact to the success or failure of the strategic objective of the clients expectations
• Provide justification as to why you have chosen the menus
• Demonstrate an awareness of budgetary, site logistics and equipment issues that may influence the food and service style being provided.

Vegetarian menu is not required
You must ensure that your work is supported by a balance of academic theory to include, websites, industry journals, and books

Your report should follow this format, as a guide:

Introduction: 200-300 words.

Set the scene for your report, saying what your report will cover

Main body of your report: 1000-1200 words:

Address the criteria above and put these into logical paragraphs, with headings. Both menus should be part of your word count.

Conclusion: 200-300 words:

Conclude your findings and justify your choices. Avoid new material or new references in your conclusion.

Style: report format written in the third person. Formal language, you should avoid contractions.
Use headings to make your report clear to read.
Appendices: pictures or support materials should be provided in the appendices at the back of your assignment, not in the main body of your report.

All references to literature you have read, websites, articles or journals, must be referenced in the report and then in an alphabetical list at the end of the report following the Harvard Referencing System. Copies of this are available in the LRC or Library.

Assessment criteria:
Knowledge and understanding of concepts
Ability to collect, synthesise & apply relevant information
Logic of discussion/justification for menu choice and planning
e.g. citation of appropriate text
Communication of information/literacy/attention to detail


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