Posted: December 8th, 2014

event policy and planning

Order Description

Essay Question:
‘Investigate and critically assess the value of events in the achievement of organisations’ policies and strategies’.
Your response can be an inclusive discussion of the three sectors (public, private, third), or you can select any one or two of these for your focus.
Your response must examine at least one case study organisation that uses events to achieve its strategic goals. This could be a government, city, local authority, commercial organisation or charity.

Task Brief 1 – Coursework
Instructions to students for submission of this coursework
Module Title:
Events Policy and Planning
Assessment Title:
?    Essay Question:
‘Investigate and critically assess the value of events in the achievement of organisations’ policies and strategies’.
?    Guidance:
Your response can be an inclusive discussion of the three sectors (public, private, third), or you can select any one or two of these for your focus.
Your response must examine at least one case study organisation that uses events to achieve its strategic goals. This could be a government, city, local authority, commercial organisation or charity.

Task Details:
The teaching in the first semester concentrates on the strategic value (or utility) of events. It looks at how organisations in a range of sectors and contexts plan and deliver event-led strategies to contribute to and achieve their objectives. This could be a government such as the UK or Dubai, a city such as Glasgow, an organisation such as Cisco or Red Bull, or a charity such as Cancer Research UK. The teaching explores the appeal of events and considers how events can connect with strategic and policy outcomes.
The essay provides you with the freedom to focus on contexts that interest you. The requirement is that you will:
?    provide a focused response to the brief;
?    engage enthusiastically with the range of literature in books and journals;
?    go beyond the core literature to find media, industry reports and information to enhance your response;
?    Provide a detailed and focused case study (studies) to support your thinking and discussion.

Particular instructions to students:
The essay has a word count of 2500 words but you are allowed to extend this to 2750 words maximum.
Competent work in previous years included a minimum of 15 different academic sources – but the best work used more than double this figure. In addition, good pieces of work also used alternate media and industry sources (i.e. non-academic).
Your essay should use Harvard Referencing protocols and include a correctly formatted reference list at the end.


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