Posted: September 16th, 2017

Evidence Analysis


MHS504 Scholarly Writing in the Health Sciences (Module 2 Case Assignment)

Evidence Analysis

Having completed the required reading for this module, you should now be ready to identify scholarly sources on your own. To this end, please choose one of the following topic areas, and identify 8-10 scholarly sources relevant to that area. These should include primarily journal articles, but you may supplement these with books, book chapters, or government documents. After compiling your reference list, please respond to the questions posed on the Evidence Analysis Worksheet, which can be found in the Background Information section of this module. Upload your list of these references, which should be furnished in APA format, and your worksheet responses by the end of this module. (NOTE: APA formatting is a requirement for this assignment.)

• Prescription drug abuse (topic area)

Questions from the Evidence Analysis Worksheet

Where have you looked for information about your topic? Have you checked more than one kind of source? (Journal articles, Internet, books, government documents, etc.)

How many sources do you have? Briefly list other points of view and the sources where you found their views expressed.
Have you evaluated your sources? Do you have reason to believe they are reliable, credible sources of information? What biases might each source express?

What have others said about your topic? Can you summarize or categorize other viewpoints?

How do other viewpoints relate to your own view of the topic? Who do you agree with? Disagree with? Where have others gone wrong in their analysis of this problem? What information has been overlooked or undervalued so far? Do you have new ideas or examples to add to the discussion of the topic?

Assignment Expectations

Length: The written component of this assignment should be 3-4 pages long (double-spaced).
References: At least eight references must be included from scholarly article. Required Readings are excluded. Reference list citations should be provided in APA format.
Format: APA format is required for this assignment.
Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
• Achievement of learning outcomes for this Case Assignment.
• Relevance—All content is connected to the question.
• Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
• Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, and multiple issues/factors are considered.
• Evidence—Reliable sources are selected and have been identified in your reference list. Points are well supported with facts, statistics, and references.
• Logic—Inclusion of these sources seems appropriate given your topic.

Required Reading
Cornell University Library (2013). Distinguishing scholarly from non-scholarly periodicals: A checklist of criteria. Retrieved from
CQ University Library (2013). Evaluating books, journals, journal articles and websites. Retrieved from
Johns Hopkins Sheridan Libraries (2013). Evaluating information found on the Internet. Retrieved from
The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2013). Evidence analysis. Retrieved from
University of California, Berkeley Library (2012). Evaluating web pages: Techniques to apply and questions to ask. Retrieved from

Author Unknown (n.d.). Table 6.1. Basic Citation Styles. Retrieved from
California State University, Chico, Merriam Library (2011). What is a scholarly article? Retrieved from
Green, C.W., & Swygart-Hobaugh, M. (n.d.). A guide to evaluating resources: Scholarly vs. non-scholarly, primary vs. secondary, and Internet/WWW. Retrieved from
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (2011). Retrieved from
University of Southern California Libraries (n.d.). Organizing your social science research paper. Retrieved from
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