Posted: July 11th, 2014

Evidenced Base Selection of L-Cysteine

Evidenced Base Selection of L-Cysteine

Evidenced Base Selection of L-Cysteine Use in the Peri-Operative Period to Decrease Post-Operative Residual NMB after administration of Gantacurium chloride
Paper instructions:
I actually need the Literature Review completed by July 1st and the rough draft of the whole research paper completed by September 15th and the final research

paper has to be turned in by November 30th (2014). I wasn’t sure how to include this in the “DUE DATE” for pricing reference since I don’t need all 12-20 pages by July

1st (just the literature review which is less pages)….

I need an Evidenced-based Research paper for a Master’s level CRNA program (“Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist”). I will attach the instructions as well as my

proposal and references thus far (which I have already turned in but can be changed if need be; just let me know). I will also attach 2 example papers that classmates

of mine have turned in. My university runs everything through “” to check for plagiarism so everything must be original or at least cited. The paper is a

large percentage of my grade so it needs to be very well written and by someone whose primary language is English. I hope there is a writer with Master level nursing

based knowledge or even someone with experience in anesthesia or in the operating room.

I need the Literature Review done 1st which is due by July 1st. Then this can be incorporated into the actual research paper which isn’t due until later. The

literature review can use as many sources/articles as needed but has to be at least a minimum of 12 sources/articles. The whole paper needs to be 12-20 pages (not

including the title page and the reference pages) so the literature review can be less pages than this because it will be incorporated into the final paper.

The paper needs to be in APA format with double spacing. I need to know if this paper can be done or if the topic or required work is too much. It is a difficult

topic but I need to make sure that it is possible for the company to do. Like I said, it is for a Master’s level program so it will be graded as such. The grading

criteria are included in the instructions that I am attaching.


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