Posted: September 13th, 2017

‘Executive power in the UK is dominated by the Prime Minister’. Discuss.

‘Executive power in the UK is dominated by the Prime Minister’. Discuss.

Referencing Requirements:
Politics UK. – Jones, Bill, Norton, Philip 2010
Devolution and British politics – O’Neill, Michael 2004
The new British politics – Budge, Ian 2007
Politics UK. – Jones, Bill, Norton, Philip 2010
Introduction to British politics – Dearlove, John, Saunders, Peter R 2000
Government and politics in Britain: an introduction – Kingdom, J. E. 2003
Developments in British politics 8 – Dunleavy, Patrick 2006
Developments in British politics 9 – Heffernan, Richard, Cowley, Philip, Hay, Colin 2011
British politics – Kavanagh, Dennis 2006
British politics-Rovert Leach, Bill Coxall and Lynton robins Second Edition

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