Posted: September 16th, 2017

Explain, in an essay of several well-developed paragraphs: Why you wish to complete your degree through the Baruch College School of Professional Studies.

Explain, in an essay of several well-developed paragraphs: Why you wish to complete your degree through the Baruch College School of Professional Studies.

Project description
Explain, in an essay of several well-developed paragraphs: Why you wish to complete your degree through the Baruch College School of Professional Studies.

We are interested in your background, aspirations, and current experiences as well as your familiarity with working or communicating online. This is not an exam but an opportunity to make a case for why you are right for this program and it is right for you.

We ask you for a personal statement so that we can base admission decisions on input from you, not just grades or numbers from your transcripts and student records. Your response to the essay must be at least 250 words in order to be considered complete.

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