Posted: January 13th, 2017

Explain why photosynthesis is occurring at point M [very little light], but zero carbon dioxide is being used from the external environment

A bright green sea-slug with a soft leaf shaped body. It has a life span of 9 to 10 months. This sea-slug is unique among sea-slugs as it is able to survive on solar power. It acquires chloroplasts from the algae it eats, and stores them in the cells that line its digestive tract.

This sea-slug fed on algae for 2 weeks can survive for the rest of its life without eating.

There is a graph that shows the rate of carbon dioxide exchange as the light intensity is increased.

a watery environment can have a low concentration of dissolved gases. Explain how having chloroplasts allows the sea-slug to overcome this disadvantage

Explain why photosynthesis is occurring at point M [very little light], but zero carbon dioxide is being used from the external environment

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