Posted: February 16th, 2013

Explain the operation of components in high definition TV systems

Paper instructions:
-introduction of why we have HD TV’s, why was HD tv was developed and what obstacles were in its development
-explain concepts: HDTV, SDTV, MPEG2, AC-3, 8VSB, ATSC, video and audio signals,reception, and coverage
– analyze the audio system
-an overview of digital tv transmission and reception
-a description and block diagram of the basic operation of 8VSB transmitter
-a description of components of the digital video signal
– a description of the techniques used in Digital tv to provide frame and segment sync
-also the operation of an ATSC HD receiver using a detail block diagram

paper must be in a Microsoft Word document, in Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font, double spaced, and use of Microsoft Visio to create diagrams or scanned images.


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