Posted: January 4th, 2014

Explain what is meant by the terms ‘hedonic benefits’, utilitarian benefits’ and ‘sales promotion’ in marketing.

1st section  
–    An introductory paragraph starts with the definition of marketing communications (i.e. promotion).  Then you need to state clearly that ‘hedonic benefits’, utilitarian benefits’ and ‘sales promotion’ in marketing.  Explain clearly that hedonic and utilitarian benefits are related to each other.    A good answer will highlight how these two concepts are related to sales promotion.  
–        Length:  less than ¼ pages

2nd section 
–      It should include two paragraphs – hedonic benefits’, utilitarian benefits’.  You need to explain clearly how they are relevant to value, benefits and cost.
–      Length:  about 1 page

3rd section 
–      It should include a brief explanation of what sales promotion is about and the purpose of using sales promotion.  How is it relevant to the understanding of hedonic and utilitarian benefits. 
–      Length:  about ½ pages

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