Posted: September 16th, 2017

Explain why the Odyssey is considered an epic

Give brief but complete answers. When giving examples from the Odyssey, include the
book and line numbers.
1. Explain why the Odyssey is considered an epic.

2. Give the epithet used to name Nausicaa in the Odyssey and explain what it implies
    about her.
3. What does in media res mean, and how does it apply to the Odyssey?
4. Give an example of an extended simile in the Odyssey and explain the comparison.
5. What does Poseidon do in response to the news that Odysseus is back in Ithaca? How
is this an example of irony? What type of irony is this?
6. Agamemnon’s story is often mentioned in the Odyssey. Give an example and explain
why it is mentioned. Is it meant to parallel or contrast Odysseus’ story?
7. Describe one of the places Odysseus visited. How does this setting drive the plot or
contribute to the mood of the story.
8. What started the Trojan War?
9. How is the theme of vengeance developed in the Odyssey?
10. Give an example of a flashback in the Odyssey?

11. How does Aeschylus’ version of Agamemnon’s story differ from Homer’s?

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