Posted: July 14th, 2016

Explore the EEOC website ( to learn more about the organization.

SOC 315 nursing

Resource: the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) website

Explore the EEOC website ( to learn more about the organization.

Click the About the EEOC link and selectNewsroom. Select a press release about an employee lawsuit published within the last 6 months.

Search the Internet to find at least one news item about this lawsuit, preferably from a news source in the state in which the incident occurred.

· A description of the compliance issue that led to the lawsuit and its ramifications for the organization.

· A brief summary of the functions of the EEOC.

· The EEOC’s role in this lawsuit.

· Whether or not this lawsuit promotes social change; justify your reasoning

· A comparison of the EEOC press release to the news item. What accounts for the differences?

· Strategies you would implement, if you were a senior manager of this company, to ensure future compliance and inclusion in the multicultural workplace.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

IMPORTANT Additional Information

· Each slide must have verbiage in the notes section. The verbiage should include what you would say about the slide if you were presenting the presentation to an audience.

· Follow the rule of six and six-no more than six bullets per slide, no more than six words per bullet

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