Posted: January 30th, 2015

How has Rihanna used social media to benefit the fashion industry and its brands?

Chosen question that my essay will be based on:
How has Rihanna used social media to benefit the fashion industry and its brands? It has to be linked to the topic question ‘Explore the impact of PR and social media within the fashion industry’ I have already done a presentation on what i will put in my essay here is the link to that presentation it should have all the details you need you can use everything on there to put in the essay and more.
Its on the website prezi–>

Module Essay: Submission & Assessment Guidelines:
Based on independent research that you carry out throughout, your essay will be marked with the following guidelines:
• Evidence of critical observation of specific media industries and professions.
• Knowledge of and analytical engagement with theoretical debate.
• Application of theory to contemporary examples.
• Structure, logic and robustness of argument.
• Clarity of expression.
• Academic standards of presentation.


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