Posted: September 13th, 2017

Extend Sim 9 Model Update

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



I need help to modify models in Extend Sim 9 software. Do you have experts who are familiar with Extend Sim software and has the Extend Sim software (Extend Sim 8 or 9 (either the limited version or the full version)) in his/her computer, or do you have expertise in Extend Sim software and have the Extend Sim software (Extend Sim 8 or 9 (either the limited version or the full version)) in your computer? To provide this help the expert must have that software in his/her computer and must me familiar with it. Extend Sim is a simulation software. To see the file you must have the Extend Sim software in your computer otherwise you won’t be able to open the file and you have to be an expert in Extend Sim. If so than please let me know and we will proceed. The other thing is that after this project I will do several other similar projects. For this assignment we are going to modify the base zombie model to simulate our particular scenario and then proceed to implement upgrade #1 to your model. For example, the upgrade #1 for my scenario (Unmanned Air Vehicle) is ammunition limits for both red (enemy) and blue (friend) forces. — This is the link to download the next file for my order # 81438636 —- you cannot use any block or features or function that is not in the extend sim 9 LT (limited version) because I only have extend sim 9 LT version. This means that you cannot use any block or features or function which is in the extend sim full version but not in the limited versio Please along following the guidance from the files those I uploaded when I developed this order also follow the direction for the each upgrade the direction in the files whose I uploaded today for example for upgrade #1 see the direction in the files whose name end with “forUG1” for upgrade #2 files whose name end with “forUG2” etc. Also see the power point file (with the name “forallupgrade”) for guidance. For upgrade #1 you have to add an additional feature (subsystem) and that is a weather condition that is not controllable and that is the speed of the wind and at certain time the speed of the wind will be show high that the UAVs will not be able to fly and so they will crash. I was also told that for UAVs you want to track each UAV as having its own number of rounds via attributes usage and when a UAV gets down to no ammunition, then it can’t shoot, but it still can fly. If it gets too close to the ship it can be considered a Kamikaze attack (detonates some explosives on contact) which can damage the ship.

There is new information (additional guidance in the order please see and read all the additional documents. Also when you get this email please reply back saying what is the status of the work


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