Posted: February 3rd, 2017

What are some of the factors that influence young children’s cognitive development according to the theories developed by Vygotsky?

Summative Course Assessment

Summative Course Assessment

This benchmark assignment consists of a summative examination. The summative examination contains four short-answer questions and one essay question.

Part A – Short-answer: Answer the following questions in a total of 250-500 words:

What are some of the factors that influence young children’s cognitive development according to the theories developed by Vygotsky?

Describe a skill area that may be difficult for an elementary student with a mild cognitive impairment. Support your answer.

Describe the developmental theories of Piaget in relation to cognitive development.

Part B – Essay

Several girls in your fifth-grade class are disengaged during math instruction and discussions. Citing a theory and/or theorists, write a 500-750 word essay in which you describe teaching strategies intended to encourage them to participate and develop more confidence in their abilities. Consider developments in a global and digital society as part of your response.


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