Posted: September 13th, 2017



Order Description

Discuss the reasons why poor mothers do not marry.Does the meaning of marriage differ for the poor versus the middle class? Explain. Is the institution of marriage different for the poor versus the middle class? Explain. Use specific examples from at least three course readings in your response. You may also refer to the films we studied.
How are marriage and cohabitation similar? How are they different? As discussed in class and in the reading about cohabitation (Chapter 2 in Casper & Bianchi), cohabitation is heterogeneous. Describe the four types of cohabitation discussed in class and describe the characteristics of each type. What are the implications of the rise in cohabitation? Does the rise in cohabitation signify a threat to marriage? Why or why not? Use specific examples from at least three course readings in your response.
What are the long-term trends in divorce?How does divorce vary by race and ethnicity in the U.S., and across nations? What are the explanations for these trends at the aggregate level? What characteristics and factors are associated with divorce at the individual level? Why has divorce declined slightly in recent years? Explain the process of divorce, how this process differs for women and men and why. What are the consequences of divorce for men, women and children? Use specific examples from at least three course readings in your response.
***4. Describe what institutions are and why they are important in understanding the behaviors of individuals. What is social structure? What is social class? How are institutions related to social class? Discuss how institutions influence cultures of parenting. How do parenting practices differ in the middle class versus the poor and working class? How do experiences in everyday life differ for middle-class children versus working-class and poor children? How do language use, social connections, and interventions in institutions vary by social class? What are the consequences for children of parenting differences between classes? Use specific examples from at least three course readings in your response. You may also refer to the films we studied and the lecture I gave on social class.
***BONUS QUESTION (5 pts; one to two paragraphs)
How do stepfamilies differ from other families? What are the explanations given for these differences?

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