Posted: December 4th, 2013

FCAT Analysis Project

Successful completion of this critical task project documents your professional growth and competency related to Florida Educator Accomplished Practice (FEAP) #1Assessment in the Chalk and Wire portfolio. In particular, the project provides evidence that the pre-service teacher “analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments and measures to diagnose students’ learning needs, informs instruction based on those needs, and drives the learning process,” as per indicator 1.1.
1. Go to, and click on 2011-2012 FCAT 2.0. Then, under School Level DemographicResults click on FCAT 2.0 Reading.
2. Select Years 2011 and 2012, and Select Grade to obtain FCAT data; selectContinue.
3. On this screen, you will see five sections.
a. In Selected Options, make sure that the year and grade you want is correct (e.g., Reading, 2011, 2012, grade 7). If this is incorrect, click on “Back” and make the correction before proceeding.
b. In Select Subgroup Items, check the data that you need (Total Students, American Indian, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, White; Female, Male (Do not make changes to Gender or Ethnicity within Gender); Standard Curriculum, ELL, Free or Reduced Lunch, Total ESE other than Gifted; See Table 2).
c. In Select Statistics, select Number of Students,Mean Developmental Scale Score, % Level 1, % Level 2, and Reporting Categories.
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d. In Select Options, leave as is. Do not make any changes.
e. In Select District, select Include State Level Report. In the drop-down menu of districts, select your school district. A new section, Select Schools, will now appear below.
f. In Select Schools, select Include District Level Report. Then, select your school for this project. Select View Report to view data on the screen.
4. On this screen, note the three sections of data: State (located in the first section and not listed), District (in the second section), and School (in the third section). Across the top of the table, you will find the Statistics that you selected in 3c. These data will be shown for state, district, and your school. You will find the data that you need for Part A of this project (Tables 1, 2, and 3).
5. Go to Table 1. Fill in the required school, state, and district information from 2012 for your selected grade level. Then, complete the last three columns. Next do the same for 2011. What years were the results a concern? You may decide the criteria for concern. Indicate whichyearsyou are concerned aboutby checking the last column.
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6. Go to Table 2. Enter grade level in first column, second row. Next, find the school data for % in Achievement Level for Level 1 and Level 2 in the FCAT screen. You will fill in the combined % Level 1 and % Level 2 data in Table 2, so you must add the FCAT % together before entering into Table 2. Now, complete your grade level for all groups. When would the results be a concern? You may decide the criteria for concern. Indicate which categories you are concerned about by entering “X” in the row under the FCAT data.
7. Go to Table 3. Enter your grade level in the cell under “Grade.” Notice the three entities (school, district, state) for which you will need FCAT data. “Possible Points” refers to the total number of points possible for the cluster (similar items) on the test. You will find this in the line under the reporting categories (near the top), titled “Maximum Points Possible per grade.” Enter these numbers in the table for each reporting category. Next, find the mean points earned (MPE) for “Total Students” in the state, district, and your school. Enter these data under each cluster. To calculate the percentage, divide the MPE of state, district, and your school by the“possible points” listed at the top of the column. Enter the % for each entity. Do not enter the % symbol because it is in the column heading.
8. Last, answer the three questions on the last page of the project to complete part B.
9. Submit tables from Part A and answers to questions in part B to Blackboard throughTurnitinby 4:59pm on Friday, April 19, 2013.
Name of your school:
Grade level at your school:
Content Area: Reading
School District in whichyour school is located:
Table 1
School, District, and State Level Data
2011 & 2012
FCAT SSS Reading scores are reported by scale score and by developmental scale score. Scale scores range from 100 to 500 for each subject area and grade level. This scale is used to determine a student’s Achievement Level for each grade and subject tested; however, it is not easy to know whether a student has made progress using scale scores. To better understand whether a student is “gaining” in achievement, we must use a different kind of score called a “developmental score.”
A “developmental score” (Developmental Scale Score) has been created to track student progress over time and across grade levels. The FCAT developmental scores range from approximately 0 to 3000 across grades 3 through 10 for FCAT Reading. A “mean” score is an average of scores. (
Grade Year Mean Developmental Scale Score School
District School
State Check if a
School District State
Table 2
School Level
Percentage of Students Scoring in Level 1 and Level 2
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Group Total Students White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American
Indian Female Male Standard
Curriculum ELL Free or Reduced
Lunch Total ESE
other than
Grade __
Check if a concern
*Note: No data are reported when fewer than 10 students were tested or when all students
are in the same score category.
Table 3
School, District, and State Level Data
Answer these questions related to the FCAT Reading scores at your school:
1. Look at the FCAT 2.0 data in Table 1-3 for your school. Describe any patterns you observe in these data (e.g., differences from one year to another; differences across subtests in one content area; or differences between your school, and district means, and between your school and state means). Next, identify which data pattern(s) are of concern to you for your school, and explain why you believe the pattern(s) is a concern. You will need to define the criteria for concerns and justify why you chose those criteria (e.g., in Table 2 you might set 30% as a cut off for concern, and you will need to explain why you set that as your cut off and justify your decision.)
2. Score patterns (for instance differences from one year to another; differences across subtests in one content area or differences between your school, the district, and state averages) occur due to a variety of things. Apply knowledge you have learned throughout the semester, use outside sources (e.g., knowledge from the Educational Psychology Course, etc.), and provide detail explanations with the examples. Provide several reasonable explanations as to how differences in the FCAT 2.0 scores you have reported can be attributed to each of three possible causes:
b. The test itself
c. Something other than instruction or the test
3. In light of the explanations provided in your answer to Question 2, propose potential solutions to each of these possible causes of differences in FCAT 2.0 scores. Apply knowledge you have learned throughout the semester, use outside sources (e.g., knowledge from the Educational Psychology Course, etc.), and provide detail explanations with the examples.
a. Instruction/Teaching
b. The test itself
c. Something other than instruction or the test
Student Name:
Rubric – FCAT Analysis Project
Overall Formatting
Grammar, punctuation, and spelling reflect minimal errors throughout /3
Formatting Subtotal /3
Part A: Tables
Table 1 completed accurately /3
Table 2 completed accurately /3
Table 3 completed accurately /3
Part A Subtotal /9
Part B: Analysis
Question 1 answered meaningfully in relation to your school. Include data patterns observed from Tables 1-3.You must define the criteria for concerns and justify why you chose those criteria. /6
Question 2 answered meaningfully in relation to your school. Include 1) at least two explanations for each cause, 2) specific data from the tables that support your responses, and 3) plausible and logical explanations for the patterns that you identified in the data. /6
Question 3 answered meaningfully in relation to your school. Provide at least one response to each of the patterns identified in question 2. Responses should be consistent with your answers in question 2. /6
Part B Subtotal /18
Chalk & Wire Rubric
Inadequate = less than 21 points
Needs Improvement = 21-23 points
Prepared = 24-29 points
Distinguished = 30 points

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