Posted: May 19th, 2017

A federal law makes it a crime to possess a fully automatic firearm that is not registered with the proper authorities. When Owen’s roommate moved out, he left a rifle that was is both fully automatic and unregistered.

A federal law makes it a crime to possess a fully automatic firearm that is not registered with the proper authorities. When Owen’s roommate moved out, he left a rifle that was is both fully automatic and unregistered. Owen did not, however, know the rifle was fully Criminal Law – Professor Humbach Spring, 2011 Page 7. automatic and he’d never even heard of the registration requirement. If Owen is prosecuted for possession of the rifle: a. He would have a good defense based on the fact that he has never even heard of the registration requirement. b. He would have a good defense based on the fact that he did not know the rifle was fully automatic. c. Both of the above. d. He would have a good defense based on the fact that he did not know the rifle was unregistered. e. All of the above

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