Posted: January 15th, 2015

Fernandez and Cairns Smith describe the N400 as being "sensitive to semantic anomalies" (FOP, page 89). However, research has also found N400 effects for many other types of violations, such as unexpe

Fernandez and Cairns Smith describe the N400 as being “sensitive to semantic anomalies” (FOP, page 89). However, research has also found N400 effects for many other

types of violations, such as unexpe

(Type your response (no more than a paragraph) directly into the text box)

Fernandez and Cairns Smith describe the N400 as being “sensitive to semantic anomalies” (FOP, page 89). However, research has also found N400 effects for many other

types of violations, such as unexpected words (such as “He painted the bike vermillion”), unlikely events (such as “He planted string beans in his car”), incongruent

accents (such as a person with an elderly voice saying “I just love Britney Spears.”), and even inappropriate whistles. What might these additional facts suggest about

the N400? What types of violation does it respond to and how do those types relate to semantic anomaly?


Responses are assessed on effort and growth rather than on correctness, and typically offer opportunities for open-ended responses and for you to pose your own

questions, some of which may be addressed in lecture or session. However, to motivate thoughtful responses, I will assign points from 0-2 according to the rubric


0 Did not answer question

1 Provided a minimal response which did not show adequate thought outside of the reading; response was limited to surface comprehension or definitions given by text.

2 Showed clear thought and effort in response that attempted to go beyond surface knowledge.

If you consult outside sources, please cite them explicitly in the response. In general, you should not need to consult any reading beyond what is provided in class.

In fact, doing a lot of additional reading may make the assignment unnecessarily hard. Remember: these responses are about creative and thoughtful responses, not about

absolute correctness!


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