Posted: September 13th, 2017

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Paper Critique – Broad Guidelines / Marking guide


A critique consists of well considered and balanced review/comments on something/paper. In doing so, you can use your own arguments as well as those of other experts on the subject. So, by all means, include comments from other articles that you think have relevance to the subject matter in the article.

Below is one suggested way of approaching the task. It is not the only way and you are encouraged not to regard this as a box ticking exercise. Evidence of original thoughts/arguments and imaginative use of other literature to support your arguments will earn recognition in the marking.

Please do not focus your critique on the abstract – as this simply gives you a summary of the paper as a whole.


  1. It is however useful to start with an introduction – this should show that you have understood what the paper is about – its research question/objectives/rationale.

(25 marks)


  1. Then focus on the paper’s arguments : (50 marks)


  1. Identify the key lines of arguments included in the literature review – for and against
  2. Identify the paper’s own key findings/arguments (in the data analysis/findings section). Then, comment on the extent to which you think they coincide/diverge from the literature review? What do other authors/papers before but more especially after this paper have to say about some of the key arguments made in the paper – for and against?
  • Identify the paper’s research approach/methods – what are your views on the research approach/methods adopted? Limitations/strengths
  1. Identify the paper’s key conclusions – To what extent do think the conclusion is consistent with the prior sections? Having seen other articles since this paper, to what extent do think the paper’s findings/conclusion still stand?


  1. Your overall views/comments/conclusion on the paper (15 marks)


  1. Bibliography/structure/logical arguments (10 marks)


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