Posted: September 13th, 2017

Final Exam

THL 110D Final Exam

The objective of this Final Exam is for you to demonstrate what you have learned throughout the course in terms of God, challenges to religious faith, and your own context.

1.    You are encouraged to use all resources provided to them in class (e.g. The Christian Theological Tradition, 3rd Edition text, handouts, notes from presentations and discussion, Bible, podcasts, etc.)
2.    The three responses must be TYPED and have the student’s name on it; each of the three responses should be within 400-600 words: a word count is expected at the conclusion of each response.
3.    Each response must clearly reference and cite by page number or scripture passage at least one passage from a text assigned in class (e.g. Mark’s Gospel or Doing the Truth in Love). You are also welcome to refer to your class notes by date/topic, but this does not count as the citation of a text.

The sources are The Christian Theological Tradition, 3rd Edition text, Exodus, Mark, John, 1 john, Job, Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, Doing the Truth in Love textbook.

Prompt #1: Choose A OR B

Prompt #1 A:
This THL 110 course has presented a specific conception of “God” and explored various conclusions that flow from this conception. First, explain the limits and possibilities in defining God. Second, explain the course’s conception (i.e. definition) of God and evaluate why this conception might be significant in the world today. You are encouraged to refer to your notes as well as the texts we read, including, but not limited to, Doing the Truth in Love.
Prompt #1 B:
The idea of a potential “relationship” with God has been implicit and occasionally explicit throughout the THL 110 course, beginning with the Covenant between YHWH and the Israelites, through the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, and in the present day. First, refer to the course content to summarize what a relationship with God might look like for someone. Second, evaluate how a relationship with God could make a concrete difference in how someone lives his or her life.  You are welcome to refer to Exodus, Mark, Philippians, 1 John, Job, and Doing the Truth in Love, possibly, but not limited to, Chapter 8 in DTL. (Some possible—not mandatory—questions to foster evaluation could be: How would such a relationship impact an individual’s life? What would be challenging? What questions would remain? How might one “hear” God? Where does prayer and worship fit, if at all?)

Prompt #2:
This course has addressed the development of science, suffering, and ignorance and apathy on the part of some young adherents as contemporary challenges to Christianity, Catholicism, and/or religious faith.
Imagine you are a consultant at a firm approached by representatives of a religious community/ tradition that you are familiar with (you identify the Christian tradition/community: it just needs to be one specifically mentioned in class or the readings). These representatives ask you to identify the single biggest challenge to the religious faith of their adherents and to help them develop a plan to address this challenge. A) Based on the course, evaluate the three challenges introduced in class and identify and give support for which challenge you find the most significant. B) Based on existing teachings and doctrines, summarize at least two ways that the religious community could address this challenge. These ways to address the challenge could be, but are not limited to, any of the following: doctrines to emphasize, practices to emphasize, adaptations of existing practices, or emphasizing new perspectives/interpretations of existing practices or doctrines. You cannot suggest that existing doctrines change.
You are welcome to use any of the text from the semester, but you are encouraged to focus on any single or all of the following: Exodus & Job, Mark’s Gospel, the readings on Liberation and Feminist Christology, and Doing the Truth in Love, and Soul Searching.

Prompt #3:
This prompt invites you to reflect on one aspect of the course that resonated with you based on your context. Please choose one concept or topic from the semester and explain why it resonates with you now and what relevance it conceivably could have for you in the future. In other words, what might this class have meant to you in your context, whether you label yourself as “uninterested,” “seeker,” “Christian,” “not-Christian,” “kinda-Christian,” “spiritual,” “agnostic,” etc. You will need to both identify your context and explain how the topic connects to your context. Topics could be from The Christian Theological Tradition, scripture, Doing the Truth in Love, or any additional required or supplemental reading.

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