Posted: September 13th, 2017

Financial reporting and fair taxation: Why does Australia require income tax disclosures beyond AASB 112?

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Requirements for the report:
Structure: The report requires the conventional structure of a professional/
technical report, including the following components (in this order):
(1) a self-created report cover page*
(including name of your selected
company, topic under investigation, addressee [who is reported to],
prepared by [Name, Student ID], date and word count),
(2) a table of contents,
(3) an executive summary (not more than 1/2 a page),
(4) an introduction (no subheadings, single paragraph),
(5) discussion (requirements a. and b.),
(6) conclusion/recommendations (requirement c.),
(7) a list of references (including [working!] online links to all company
information that you have used and referred to in your report).
You may attach appendices at the end of the report. Please refer to the
various materials on how to write a professional/technical report as provided
on the ACCG224 iLearn webpage in section 14 if you are insecure about any
of the components.
Length: The total word length of the report is 1,000 words. A leeway of +/-10%
is allowed. For consequences of any deviation see report marking rubric
‘Document formatting and structure’. Only (4), (5) and (6) as per above is
included in the word count. You need to provide the word count on the report
cover page.
Style: Lists, figures, diagrams, tables etc. may be included (possibly as
appendices) to support your writing. However, apart from the
recommendations which can be presented as bulleted points, you need to
write all parts of the report in full sentences.
Font: The assignment should be one and a half spaced in ‘Times New Roman’
font type and font size 12.
Referencing: You are expected and required to use references to support your
writing, for example, textbooks, accounting standards and other reporting
guidelines, journal articles and other academic literature. Any sources of
information that you have used must be referenced (in-text citations and list
of references) according to the Harvard Referencing System (available in
section 14 of the ACCG224 iLearn webpage). For consequences of any
deviation from this see report marking rubric ‘Written expression and
* The required self-created report cover page is NOT the assessment cover sheet of the Faculty
for Business and Economics. You do not need to attach an assessment cover sheet for this
Turnitin assignment.
ACCG224 Intermediate Financial Accounting S1, 2015



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