Posted: September 16th, 2017

Find either the emergency response plan, emergency operations plan, or crisis communications plan for an airline or airport.

Project description

Find either the emergency response plan, emergency operations plan, or crisis communications plan for an airline or airport.

These can be found easily by performing an Internet search with the

airline’s or airport’s name and the search terms “emergency response plan,” “crisis communications plan,” “emergency operations plan,” or “contingency plan.” Find a plan for the airport or airline

you find the most interesting.

Examine the plan and make note of its elements. Does it include the sections mentioned in your text and reading assignments? Does it include a plan for implementation?

Does it mention any

background on the anticipated crisis? Does it include specific actions? Does it contain instruction on command centers, control, communication, collaboration, etc.? How well is the plan


After you have completed your research on the plan, finish this assignment by addresses the questions below. Your answers should be in narrative format (meaning don’t just put questions and

answers; include an introduction and transition between the elements that are addressed in your paper). Your paper should be clear and have a logical flow. You should exhibit good writing skills

by using correct spelling, grammar, and APA citations when referencing others’ ideas, articles, Web sites, etc. The paper should be written double-spaced with 12-point font.

Briefly describe the plan you researched. What is the anticipated crisis for which the plan was crafted? What entity has the plan been created for? Where can the plan be accessed? (Please note

the URL or link). (15 Points)

Have key stakeholders been identified? Who are the stakeholders? Do you feel the plan adequately captures all stakeholders? If not, who is missing? (10 Points)

What elements are found in the plan? Which of these elements do you define as critical and why? (30 Points)

What is missing, if anything, from the plan? Why do you feel this information would be necessary? (15 Points)

Is any information given on practicing plan implementation? If yes, how often is it implemented for practice? If not, how often do you feel the plan should be implemented/practiced? (15 Points)

Give your overall response to the plan. Did you think it was adequately prepared? In what ways was it exemplary? In what ways could it be improved? (15 Points)

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