Posted: November 25th, 2016

Find a minimum of five articles, papers, or other materials using the Internet, library, or other reliable sources on sexual crime evidence of the specific investigative methods, tools, or crimes below.

Each student is assigned to write a report on any of the investigative methods, tools, or criminal investigations discussed in the last 5 weeks. Find a minimum of five articles, papers, or other materials using the Internet, library, or other reliable sources on sexual crime evidence of the specific investigative methods, tools, or crimes below.

Sexual crime evidence

Write a summary of each of the sources in your own words, following the assignment requirements listed below. Assignment Requirements

Properly use spelling, grammar, and paragraphs. Include a works cited page as the last page, which includes all relevant information about your sources. This includes author name(s) if known and whether the source was found on the Internet (if so, include the date of retrieval and a full URL). (See APA Style Tutorial in Course Home Syllabus for reference.) This assignment should be three to five pages in length (800 to 1,000 words)

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