Posted: November 9th, 2016

Find the probability of selecting a number greater than 1000. =… Problem # 28 = Perform the indicated calculation

Problem # 9 = Consider a company that selects employees for random drug test. The company uses a computer to randomly select employee numbers that range from 1 – 6,472. Find the probability of selecting a number less than 1000. Find the probability of selecting a number greater than 1000. =… Problem # 28 = Perform the indicated calculation. 7C4/12C4 Round to the nearest thousandth as needed.= … Problem # 14 Use the pie chart at right which shows the number of workers ( in thousands) by industry for a certain country. Find the probability that a worker chosen at random was not employed in services industry. SERVICES= 114,589.   Manufacturing= 16,008.  Mining and construction= 11,611 and  Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting is 2510. Problem # 31= A golf course architect has five linden trees, three white birch trees and two bald cypress trees to plant in a row by a fairway. In how many ways can the landscaper plant the trees in a row assuming that the trees are evenly spaced.?=  The other 2 problems that you need to look over are problems 32 and 33 because they aren’t right either but the problem didn’t change because I didn’t do the problem more than twice so it wouldn’t change.

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