Posted: November 24th, 2016

Find and write the meaning to the phrase “absolute despotism.” Jefferson says it is the “right and duty” of mankind to fight this “absolute despotism

Find and write the meaning to the phrase “absolute despotism.” Jefferson says it is the “right and duty” of mankind to fight this “absolute despotism.” Why? Compare the tone or attitude expressed towards the British people with that towards King George III. List and explain those words that aid you to understand this tone. Find, list and explain an example of parallel structure in the Declaration of Independence. Most often, well-chosen words and a logical, clear style help a writer to succeed at persuasion. But, if you are dealing with a mature audience, words alone may not always make your case. Evidence is required to prove your case. Jefferson uses concrete details to prove his argument against King George. If you were reading this as an American colonist, which of these details or reasons would be the most persuasive to you? While listing the reasons, Jefferson changes the opening word in his paragraphs from “He” to “For.” What is the purpose of this shift?

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