Posted: July 17th, 2015

First draft and second draft

This is the comment from the instructor about the first draft which you have done: first remember that you will need to write three drafts instead of two to supplement the uniqueness of your situation (being exclusively online as opposed to hybrid of blended). This is, of course, a very strong first draft. But there is work left to be done in the next two. Namely, I strongly suggest you avoid the encyclopedic and reveal your own argument a bit more plainly. While the presence of it is there, to some extent, your focus remains on the research over your own ideas. I want more of your own ideas. Further, you have a tendency to write this as if it was a longer piece. It is a relatively short (approximately 10 page) research paper. There need not be sections, a literature review, etc. in a work of this size. 23/25

The requirement of this assignment: please read this essay on first drafts: Then, consider the drawing assignment. How have you previously transitioned from first to second draft? With this essay in mind, how might you this time around? Why might first drafts be, as the author describes them, “shitty”? Why is that OK? How does the way one approaches the writing process change when one considers this possibility? Again, remember and refer to the drawing assignment this week.

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