Posted: September 13th, 2017


All assignments must be uploaded into Moodle by the due date.

DUE WEEK 8, Friday, 24 April, 23:55pm., (approx. 3000-4000 words)                     Weighting 30 % (Resume 5% of total & 5 Year plan 5% of total mark)
Students are required to write three pieces for this assignment which are then uploaded into Moodle site as ONE file. Students must write:

1.    A resume

2.    A five year plan

3.    A report which analyses the IT industry and what it has to offer someone who wants a career in IT.

•    The resume: Write a resume. There are links in our Moodle site on how to write resumes.

•    The five year plan: Write a five year plan based on research you have done on how to complete one of these.

•    The industry report: This is where you must analyse the IT industry and what it has to offer in terms of career pathways and report your findings. The findings must be written in the form of an Analytical Report. The format for this will be discussed in class

•     assignment 1 which is an investigation into, and evaluation of, the IT industry. You must investigate what it is and what it can offer you as a potential professional.

All assignments are required to be submitted on the due date.  If for any reason you are unable to do an assignment by the due date you must submit, to the lecturer or your tutor, a request for an extension in writing before the due date (if possible) setting out in detail the genuine and exceptional reason for requesting the extension.  If there is a medical reason for the extension request it must be accompanied by a medical certificate.  PLEASE NOTE: there are NO extensions for this assignment after week 13 unless the request is accompanied by valid documentation.

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