Posted: February 17th, 2017

Flexible budgets provide different information than static budgets. Discuss some of these differences. Is a flexible budget always better? Are there times when you’d recommend using a static budget over a flexible budget?

DQ #1: Flexible Budgets


READ – Chapter Six – Budgeting


WRITE – a minimum of 200 words addressing the following questions:


Flexible budgets provide different information than static budgets. Discuss some of these differences. Is a flexible budget always better? Are there times when you’d recommend using a static budget over a flexible budget?




DQ #2: Issues in Standard Costs and Budgeting


READ – Chapter Seven – Standard costs


WRITE – a minimum of 200 words addressing the following questions:


Review the “Standard costs: Wake up and smell the coffee” article. When evaluating performance, many organizations compare current results with the actual results of previous accounting periods. Is an organization that follows this approach likely to encounter any problems? Explain.

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