Posted: September 16th, 2017

Fly Guyz Case Study

Part 1

Using the case study of Fly Guys, evaluate which aspects of their operation might best be managed  using a spreadsheet (Excel) and which would be more suited to a database (Access). Justify your assertions by drawing comparisons between the activities and lectures you have done in class to support your recommendations. This part should be presented as a written report.(20 marks)

Part 2

Using Access and/or Excel, design solution(s) to implement your recommendations from Part 1. You will be assessed on the quality of your solution. Marks will be awarded based on whether you have used all the techniques and functions of the Access and Excel applications that have been taught. Further marks are available for going beyond the workshop activities and undertaking independent research to use further features of the applications. (40 marks)

Part 3

Evaluate how successful your solution has been at fulfilling the requirements of the CEO of Fly Guys. Make reference to the basic operations of the organisation and discuss whether or not your solution is able to achieve the desired outcomes of the CEO. Conclude with a final recommendation on the business use of spreadsheets and databases. This part should be presented as a written report.(20 marks)


You will also be assessed on the structure of the written components and the quality of the writing. Your written reports should be in clear and concise English and should follow a logical structure. This includes use of appropriate headings and if necessary subheadings. Use appropriate sources to back up your points and use correct referencing techniques. (20 marks)

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