Posted: August 17th, 2017

Which of the following terms most precisely refers to an infection acquired in the hospital that was not present or incubating at the time of hospital admission?

Which of the following terms most precisely refers to an infection acquired in the hospital that was not present or incubating at the time of hospital admission?
a) Nosocomial infection
A 1970 CDC study found that about one-third of nosocomial infections could be prevented when effective infection control programs were in place.
b) Primary bloodstream infection
A primary bloodstream infection is bacteremia or fungemia, which occurs without infection, identified at another anatomic site.
c) Secondary bloodstream infection
A secondary bloodstream infection is bacteremia of fungemia of another anatomic site, which serves as a source for bloodstream contamination.
d) Emerging infectious diseases
Emerging infectious diseases refer to diseases of infectious origin of which incidence in humans has increased within the past two decades or threaten to increase in the near future.

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