Posted: August 16th, 2017

Which of the following types of incontinence refers to involuntary loss of urine through an intact urethra as a result of a sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure?

Which of the following types of incontinence refers to involuntary loss of urine through an intact urethra as a result of a sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure?
a) Stress
Stress incontinence may occur with sneezing and coughing.
b) Overflow
Overflow incontinence refers to the involuntary loss of urine associated with overdistention of the bladder.
c) Urge
Urge incontinence refers to involuntary loss of urine associated with urgency.
d) Reflex
Reflex incontinence refers to the involuntary loss of urine due to involuntary urethral relaxation in the absence of normal sensations.

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