Posted: September 16th, 2017


Oil production plays a critical role in food consumption either in the processing cycle, packaging or delivery of the product to the final consumers. Taking an example of a breakfast menu consisting of Vector cereal, milk, banana, bottle water and tea, it clearly confirms that oil production plays a role either in their delivery, production or packaging.  Giving an illustration of milk, before it gets to the final consumer it has to go through various processing methods such as Pasteurization, sterilization, UHT or micro-filtering. Pasteurization consists of heating the milk to given temperatures for a given time thus the use of machines that are run using oil for their engines as shown below:


According to FAO, there are numerous different designs of machines and kinds of packaging material for liquid milk packaging on the market. With few exceptions, the equipment and packaging material are produced by various companies thus making them differ in design, capacities, weight, dimensions, though most of them fulfill equally in terms of hygienic, technical and economic requirements for use in modern dairying (ch.1.).

Just like milk Packaging and delivery of snacks is also carried out in various ways depending on the worldwide demand fuelled by personal incomes and consumption patterns. However the growing of environmental concerns has led to the demand of environmental friendly packaging products thus leading to the shift of companies towards environmental friendly technologies. Some consumers may prefer their snacks packed in clear containers for easy visibility while others may prefer it wrapped or unwrapped for freshness purposes. All in all, oil production plays a major role in their extraction and processing of the raw materials used for the packaging of the product and the final delivery t o the consumer. Oil is used by the machines used in the extraction of the raw materials and the equipment used in the production of the purchasing material hence the relationship between food consumption and oil production.

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