Posted: December 2nd, 2014

Food hypersensitivity

Food hypersensitivity

You have been successfully employed by HMC Dietetic & Nutrition Department. To progress in you job as a dietitian and to be promoted for higher a higher position, your

expected to continually develop your career and professional competence.
As part of the Dietetic & Nutrition Department continuous professional education (CPE) program, you are required to team up with two other colleagues to prepare and

present a seminar on MNT for patients with food hypersensitivity.
Give a general overview of the disease
Describe the etiology (disease process) including complications
How is the disease treated medically, include medications and their modes of action; and other medical procedures used to treat the disease? Put more details in this

List details of all references and e resources you used to prepare your term paper, and project (if applicable)

How to use and cite references ( important to follow this )
Citations in the text

When you write about ideas or scientific information presented in an article, you must cite the article where you got the information.  Avoid the use of direct

quotations. Instead, as a science writer, your job is to explain the science to the reader, and to cite the source of the information.  Cite publications in the text

with the author’s last name and the year, in parentheses.  For two authors, use both names. For multiple authors, use “et al.” after the first author’s name.  If you

mention the author in the text, cite the year in parentheses.  These citations are designed to allow one to look up the reference easily in the back of the paper by

name and date.


1.   The starch granules are normally elongated in the milk stage (Brown, 1956).
2.   Hendrich and others (2009) reported . . .
3.  …other work (Ford and Fuchs, 2004) has shown that…
<!–[if !supportLists]–>1.                  <!–[endif]–>…and recent work (Birt et al., 2010) has shown that …
<!–[if !supportLists]–>2.                  <!–[endif]–>…several investigators (Brown, 1956; Birt et al., 2010) have shown that…
5.   …new developments in technology (IFT, 2005) indicate…

Format for References at the end

List only those references cited in the text. References should be flush with the left margin, listed alphabetically by the first author’s last name.  Note:   For

Scholarly References, the Authors, Title, Journal Number, Volume and Pages are essential information.  The URL is not sufficient.   Science Direct is not a journal, it

is simply a web source for journal articles!

Scholarly Journal Article (internet source): Authors (LastName FI,). Year. Article title. Journal title,Volume number: inclusive pages. URL; date accessed..

Dakwa S, Sakyi-Dawson E, Diako C, Annan NT, Amoa-Awua WK. 2005. Effect of boiling and roasting on the fermentation of soybeans into dawadawa (soy-dawadawa). Int. J.

Food Microbiol. 104:1, pp. 69-82.  Available at:; Accessed August 31, 2005.

Scholarly Journal Article (print source): Authors (LastName FI,). Year. Article title. Journal title, Volume number (issue number, if available): inclusive pages.
Smith JB, Jones LB, Racklly KR. 1999. Maillard browning in apples. J Food Sci 64(4):512-8.

Scholarly Book : Author(s) or [editor(s)]. Year. Title. Place of publication: publisher name. Number of pages.
Spally MR, Morgan SS. 1989. Methods of food analysis. 2nd ed. New York: Elsevier. 682 p.

Internet Article: Author(s) if available (LastName FI,) or abbreviated name of website used in text citation, and full name of website in parentheses.  Year.  Article

title.  Retrieval date. URL.
IFT (Institute of Food Technologists) Daily News Reader. January 2005 Archive. 2005.  Bayer and Cargill to produce specialty canola oil.  Retrieved September 1, 2005.


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