Posted: September 17th, 2017

For the hospitalized patient, is it more beneficial to utilize a computerized systematic reminder based system, versus traditional written protocols that lack follow-up assessment, for indwelling urinary catheter removal to obtain lower incidences of catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) measured over the length of stay

Here are some general rules of thumb to follow when creating PowerPoint presentations.

· The rule of 7:

o No more than seven lines on each slide (additional information should be put in the notes section at the bottom)

o No more than seven words per line

· Use APA formatting– in-text citations within the slide and an ending “References” slide with your APA-formatted references.

· Download new templates from the Microsoft website from within PowerPoint.

· When presenting your PowerPoint, avoid reading your bullet points. Instead support your verbal talk with graphs, charts, and other graphics that reinforce the point you’re trying to make.

· Limit the use of animations or page dissolves. They do not add to your content and can be distracting for your audience.

· Use simple templates. Dark fonts on light backgrounds are easiest to read. Focus your creativity on the content.

Here’s the PICO question: PICO Question: For the hospitalized patient, is it more beneficial to utilize a computerized systematic reminder based system, versus traditional written protocols that lack follow-up assessment, for indwelling urinary catheter removal to obtain lower incidences of catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) measured over the length of stay?

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