Posted: September 13th, 2017

formal business report.

formal business report.

For this assignment, you are not expected to submit a formal business report.
However, your document should accurately demonstrate your knowledge and understanding ofthe subject area. For example, ifthe question asks certain values, then report

the values. lfthe question asks you to plot, then provide a plot, with the appropriate labels.

Mathematical working that shows the logical procedure orjustification of how you arrived at your solutions are required. This working need not be typed, but it is expected to be legible, and that it can be followed in a coherent manner.

A MATLAB code and gure dump does not constitute a satisfactory report ubmission.

1.2 The Code Your code needs to be executable and without run-time error. No error correction
will be done to make your code run”. If an error is encountered at execution,

your assignment will be regarded as incomplete.

Your code must be fully commented to describe what you are doing. Any plots

generated by MATLAB must have the correct axes and appropriate labels.

You may use the code provided in the weekly tutorials to check your solutions.

However, you are expected to generate your own code for your assignment. Using
the supplied .pcodes as part of your submission will not be awarded any marks.

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