Posted: September 13th, 2017

Formula Student Suspension Design

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements





The basis of this brief is to perform the various tasks needed to create an informative assignment report, including gathering information from a range of different identified sources, using the facilities available within the University.


The ability to gather information, appraise its merits and make a decision based on that information is an important skill at level 5. It is also important to be able to examine results for their meaning, accuracy and the impact they have on your work/project.


Learning Outcomes


On successful completion of this assignment, the student should be able to:-


  1. Discuss, design and evaluate chassis systems appropriate to a particular Motorsport category
  2. Discuss and evaluate design and development of a motor sport vehicle and associated aerodynamics


This assignment will take the form of a joint submission with teams of four students. Each student`s contribution should be clearly identified and ONE digital submission is required – feedback will be provided for the group and any specific feedback for individual team members.


It is not intended that these individual parts are done in isolation – you are each meant to have an appreciation of the tasks required.


The Brief

Produce a design for vehicle chassis and suspension systems (including both front and rear systems) suitable for an open-wheeled formula type car using the rules provided. The engine capacity will be restricted to a maximum of 610cc but it`s configuration and location are free. The vehicle should be designed with the weekend / club racer in mind.

Your submission should include:


All relevant materials specifications                                                                                         7%


Chassis design and specification, including what load cases you expect and conformity to given rules – ergonomics and template conformity etc.                                             25%


Details of how the suspension points would be built into the chassis and how the joints would work, with appropriate methods of attachment and demonstration of good practice.                                                                                                  8%


Continued on the next page



All relevant measurements and explanation, what the recorded measurements mean in terms of vehicle performance and why they were chosen or the effect on the vehicle. These should include:

  • Front and rear track and wheelbase – static 4%
  • Caster / Steering axis inclination 4%
  • Camber angles static 4%
  • Camber angles at 30mm bump 3%
  • Camber angles at 20mm droop 3%
  • Camber angles at 3° roll 5%
  • Camber angles at 3° roll and 30mm bump 4%
  • Camber angles at 3° roll and 20mm droop 3%
  • An appropriate set of drawings to illustrate your designs 8%
  • (Minimum – Front, side, top elevations + particular part details necessary)

(38% total)

Mounting locations and theoretical specifications for springs and dampers with reasons for their choice.                                                                        12% 


Presentation, referencing, formatting etc.                                                      10%


Composite materials are not to be used in order to make the systems both affordable and repairable.

Consideration should be given to the likely type of chassis construction intended.


Reading Materials


Module lecture and support notes.

See also module reading list.

Note:   These sources are guides only to commonly available material. Students will also be expected to consult other relevant source material.


  • Staniforth, A (2002) Race and rally car source book Haynes


  • Staniforth, A (2006) Competition car suspension Haynes



  • Milliken and Milliken (2005) Race Car Vehicle Dynamics SAE International


  • Current version of the MSA handbook and technical regulations (


  • 2014 Formula Student regulations (See UDo/Blackboard)



Submission Requirements


The assignment will need to be around 2500 words in length per student, plus diagrams, etc. and conform to the appropriate written assignment standard.


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