Posted: July 12th, 2017

Formulate a significant clinical question related to the topic of the systematic review that will be the basis for your capstone change project.

Your capstone change project begins this week when you identify a practice issue that you believe needs to change. The practice issue must pertain to a systematic review that you must choose from a List of Approved Systematic Reviews (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the capstone project.

  • Choose a systematic review from the list of approved reviews based on your interests or your practice situation.
  • Formulate a significant clinical question related to the topic of the systematic review that will be the basis for your capstone change project.
  • Relate how you developed the question.
  • Describe the importance of this question to your clinical practice previously, currently, or in the future.
  • Describe what a research-practice gap is.

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