Posted: November 25th, 2014

ForumWeek 4 Final Paper Peer Reviews

ForumWeek 4 Final Paper Peer Reviews

Order Description

For your literary research essay, you will determine and define what you believe is a primary world view expressed by Emily Dickinson or Langston Hughes. In order to do so, you will research the author’s biography and read several selections of his or her works. Your text provides an excellent collection of each writer’s works. For your research paper, you may choose from the poems that everyone will read, and/or you may choose others included within the text. This week you will write a full draft and peer review another student’s paper. After receiving feedback from the instructor and another student, you will submit a full research paper next week.
•Complete a partial draft in Word and upload it to a discussion forum. Attach it to the discussion forum as a Word document. The draft should focus on articulating the world view, some biographical elements, and a brief analysis of a significant poem (over eight lines—see below). Please cite at least one (preferably two) sources within this draft and provide a preliminary list of sources cited (your poems plus two scholarly sources). The draft should be approximately 400-500 words in length. Please post this no later than 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday.
•Read one other student’s partial draft and provide a 150-word commentary that provides information that the student may find useful as that person revises his or her draft. Please provide specifics—for example, questions you think need to be addressed, themes or literary elements the student might examine, etc. Don’t attempt to correct sentence-level concerns, but you may note anything that seems particularly troubling or erroneous. The instructor can then provide further guidance on sentence-level concerns. Please submit both the partial draft and your peer analysis by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m.

Partial Draft/Discussion Forum Assignment Rubric


Possible Points

Successfully identifies and articulates an acceptable approach to the poets’ life and works, including a world-view component. Satisfactorily employs Standard American English, both in style and in sentence-level proficiency.

50 points

Provides appropriate commentary that assists student peer in revising and completing the draft.

75 points



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