Posted: September 13th, 2017

Foundation of Public Administration

Foundation of Public Administration
Write an essay (six pages for each question) to answer each question below. Each essay should follow APA guidelines, be between 6-8 pages in length, and be fully researched and supported by refereed reference material. For each question, please use the book of Classics of Public Administration for Jay M. Shafritz & Albert C. Hyde, Seven Edition. In addition to this book, please use eight academic journals from PAR (Public Administration Review). The academic journals must be only from Public Administration Review. In some cases this may be new research for you or an area that you will have to do significant

1. What are the major intellectual challenges and issues that the field of PA faces as it moves into the era of “new science”?

2. What are the primary tenets of Woodrow Wilsons essay, “The Study of Administration” as compared to Frank Goodnow’s, “Politics and Administration”? How do these essays serve as precursors to the self awareness of the field of PA?

3. How did Herbert Simon’s “The Proverbs of Administration” (1946) undercut the economic view of man as an efficient, global utility maximizer? What are the implications of Simon’s argument for current PA practice?

4. Alexis de Tocqueville observed a paradox of American life when he wrote about the condition of American democracy. In his view the American suffered from an excess of individualism and, at the same time, ready Participation in voluntary, civic associations (1945/1990, v.2). How does this paradox impact government decisions? What are the concerns for equitable and fair government practice?


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