Posted: September 13th, 2017

Foundations of Business Systems and eCommerce

Foundations of Business Systems and eCommerce

Order Description

Assessment overview:

Please use the template that is provided

For this task you will prepare a case study of an eCommerce business in which you identify a gap,
and then propose an innovation to potentially improve the eBusiness.

This innovation should be simple but able to make an important contribution to the customer and
to the business. You can choose an existing eCommerce business or create a new business from
any industry or eBusiness type.

Assessment details

If you select an existing eCommerce business then you should:
? observe the business and identify what you can about elements such as purpose, inputs,
processes, outcomes and target customers
? produce a rich picture which demonstrates the current business elements and includes
your innovation
? where applicable, imagine how the business operates, or develop an idea of how it might
operate using eCommerce.

If you create a new eCommerce business then you should:

? take a holistic approach to business: think about the different aspects of a business and
construct the business elements such as purpose, inputs, processes, outcomes and target
? produce a rich picture which demonstrates the business elements and includes your
? imagine how the business operates and develop an idea of how it might operate using

The case study is to be documented as a ‘business report’. You must clearly explain the purpose,
business concept, customer group/s and suggested innovation for your project, and how the
theories of eCommerce relate to it. It is recommended that you develop your eCommerce design
throughout the teaching period and consider what each week’s collaborative activities and
readings contribute to your understanding.

Ensure your submission includes the following items; those marked with an * are not included in
the word count:
? Heading (the report must have a title) *
? Executive Summary *
? Table of Contents *
? Introduction
? Discussion addressing the specifications of this assessment
? Conclusion
? References list (NOT a bibliography) at the end of the report *
? Appendix – including Rich Picture of eCommerce Business elements and your innovation *

Ensure you use Harvard referencing style throughout your report.

Please ensure:

– Outstanding discussion of why innovation is recommended, identifying the gap in the market and potential customerbase, in a professional and succinct manner.

– Outstanding introduction to the business in its broader context, identifying how the innovation is different from competitors’ offerings, and what systems or

functions may be impacted.

– Outstanding explanation of gap in the market, with compelling reasons for filling the gap, and insightful reference to market gap analysis tools.

– Outstanding identification of value perceptions, with insightful linking to competitive advantage and business

– Excellent identification of ICT/eCommerce relationships, anticipation of ICT strategies for improved business processes, such as CRM, HRM, SCM, ERP, security,


– Outstanding discussion of when innovation is expected to occur, with linkages to required processes. Outstanding discussion of expected costs to the business.

– Conclusion provides a succinct overview of all key benefits to both the business and other stakeholders including the market segment, and includes insightful and

feasible recommendations.

– Report adheres to standard report format, and is presented in a clear and engaging manner. Referencing is correct and demonstrates evidence of wider research.

– Picture is clear and engaging, and identifies all elements that are pertinent to the eCommerce business


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