Posted: September 13th, 2017

Four Forces of Evolution

Four Forces of Evolution

In your text and in lecture the Four Forces of Evolution have been described and discussed. While the Final Examination will test your basic knowledge of these forces

and the system of which they are a part, I find a few multiple choice questions inadequate to truly test your learning specific to this subject.
For this assignment, you are to describe the processes of micro and macroevolution in essay format. In order to properly execute this assignment you are going to need

to cover a number of concepts. In general you should describe each of the Four Forces of Evolution, to a degree that lets me know that you understand each of them. You

should also cover both the concept of species and population. Given that variation is also critical to the process, a description of variation within and between

populations is also necessary. Finally, Isolation Mechanisms and the Speciation event itself must be covered. While each of the concepts mentioned above can be handled

as isolated concepts, a lack of integrating the concepts will guarantee a poor score. All of the concepts are interrelated and your essay must reflect that. Be careful

as this is easily the most difficult assignment you will have to complete for this class. There is no maximum or minimum word requirement for this essay.

Concepts to be covered:
• Species
• Population
• The Four Forces
• Variation (within and between populations)
• Isolating Mechanisms
• Speciation


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