Posted: September 13th, 2017

“Freedom of Speech in the U.S.”

Write an  essay on “Freedom of Speech in the U.S.”  The
exact content requirements are listed below.  The paper assignment will be a graded original
version with an optional rewrite.  All students will submit version 1 of the paper on Oct. 2.
These initial versions will be graded and returned to the student on November 6.  Students
have the option of rewriting their papers to improve their grades.  Version 2 of the paper is due
November 27.  Hand in the graded copy of Version 1 when submitting Version 2.  For those
students writing only the first version of the paper, version 1 will count for 100 percent of the
essay grade.  For students writing both versions of the paper, version 1 will comprise 75 percent
of the paper grade and version 2 will comprise 25 percent of the paper grade.  Students who do
not write the first version of the paper will receive 50 percent credit for a paper turned in by
the due date for the second version of the paper.
Students must submit each paper in two ways.  First, to demonstrate that the paper was
completed and turned in on time, students must submit the paper to the DROPBOX feature on
D2L by the due date and due time (1:45 p.m.).  The DROPBOX feature will time stamp the
electronic copy of the paper.  The DROPBOX version also has a plagiarism check that will be run
on every paper.  Students must submit a paper copy of the essay in class on the day it is due.
This paper copy will be used for grading.  NO E-MAIL VERSIONS OF PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
THEY WILL NOT BE GRADED. Papers may be submitted to the D2L DROPBOX EARLY and the
paper copy may be turned in EARLY.  Early paper copies of the essay can be handed in by the
student during an earlier class session or placed in Professor Norrander’s mailbox located in
Social Science Building, room 315.
Late essays will be severely penalized, and no excuses will be accepted for late papers.
Students with Dean’s Excuses for the day papers are due must post to D2L EARLY.  Version 1
papers submitted after 1:45 p.m. on Oct. 2 through 11:59 p.m. on October 9 will receive half
credit.  No version 1 paper will be accepted after 11:59 p.m. on October 9, and students will
receive a 0 score for version 1.  Version 2 papers submitted after 1:45. on November 27
through 11:59 p.m. on December 4 will receive half credit.  No version 2 paper will be accepted
after 11:59 p.m. on December 4.  4
Essay Content
The paper will cover two aspects of freedom of speech.  First, you will use information from
your textbook to describe how the Supreme Court has handled cases on free speech and the
types of rulings it has made on various aspects of free speech.  (As a guideline, this should
comprise approximately half of your essay.) Second, you will look at a recent Supreme Court
case to see how the Court has ruled on a free speech issue for college students.  (As a guideline,
this should comprise the other half of your paper.) The case that you will look at is Board of
Regents of the University of Wisconsin System v. Southworth, 529 U.S. 217 (2000).  You must
obtain the case description from the Oyez Project website.  This website has a summary of the
case.  It also has audio recordings of the oral arguments of the case and the announcement of
the case decision, with the latter being particularly useful.  The Oyez Project website also has a
link to the actual Supreme Court decision.  You must read the entire Supreme Court decision
before writing your paper.  Your paper will be a factual and accurate reporting of the Supreme
Court rulings.
For the summary and audio recordings go to:
For the Supreme Court decision, you can follow links from Case Basics, Opinion or go directly to

Essay Rules
1. No more than two direct quotations.  Quotations require quotation marks, a
citation embedded in the text, and an entry in the paper’s list of references.
2. However, you must document the source of all information which is not
common knowledge even if it is not a direct quote.
3. Additional information on plagiarism is available at:  “Plagiarism: What It Is and
How to Recognize and Avoid It,”  Papers containing
plagiarism will receive an automatic zero score and a report will be filed with the
Dean of Students.  UA policies against plagiarism are located within the Student
Code of Conduct,
4. As papers are turned in through the D2L Dropbox, they are automatically
checked for plagiarism.
5. Proper grammar and correct spelling are required.  Your essay must be well
organized, including coherent paragraphs and full sentences.
6. A minimum of 1250 words and no more than 1500 words.  Use the word counter
in your text software to obtain an exact word count and include this word count
as the last item on the last page of your essay.  Double space the text.  You do
not need a cover page, but remember to type your name on the first page.
7. All the information you need to write this paper is available in the class textbook 5
and the Oyez Project website.  You do not need to consult outside references.
However, if you do consult an outside reference (book, magazine, newspaper,
academic journal, etc.) you must include this in the reference section of your
paper.  Do not use Wikipedia or blogs as reference sources.  Ask your TA if an
outside source is appropriate to use.
8. Embedded citations will be of the following format:
a) For information from the Oyez Project (Opinion Announcement, Oyez
Project); (Opinion Summary, Oyez Project); (Oral Argument, Oyez
b) For the Supreme Court decision (Board of Regents v. Southworth, 2000).
c) For the class textbook (Barbour and Wright, 2012, p. xx).
9. For the reference listing at the end of the paper, use a full information format.
a) For Oyez Project obtain their preferred citation listing from their website
and use it in your paper’s reference section.
b) For the Supreme Court decision use
Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System v. Southworth,
529 U.S. 217 (2000).
c) For the textbook use
Barbour, Christine, and Gerald C. Wright.  2012.  Keeping the Republic:
Power and Citizenship in American Politics, University of Arizona Custom
Edition. Washington, DC:  CQ Press.


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